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[Article] "Mystery of Pride" By Omoregbe Joshua Creativity

Now what is Pride? Pride can be defined in two ways, one as a Process and the other as a System. Now many of us only have seen pride as a process but has not yet understand it yet as a System. We will be looking into this tonight.

1. Pride as a Process:

Jeremiah 9:23 "This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches". Now this is the Pride the world knows about, this is the one we have idea about. This version of pride is define as "a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired". This is Pride showing off as a process where it tends to reflect in the life of individuals. Now the first persons we knew or learnt that first was caught with this Version of Pride was the Devil in Isaiah 14:14 "You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain". So in the above Scripture this is the devil exhorting himself high above the knowledge of God. In this version of pride, pride itself is seen and made manifest.

Most times we tend to be successful and extraordinarily intelligent, at the end of the day it brings pride to us because we tend to feel and see ourselves move productive and capable than any other person either because or our gift/skill or rather our achievements. So the sudden reactions that tend to exhort us above everyone giving us a thumbs up tend to be pride. Like we earlier defined; pride only comes upon a man that has achieved something. No poor man or worthless man is proud! They have nothing to be proud of, it only takes a man that has achieved something to be proud.

2. Now Pride as a System: 

Just as the Bible has showed us series and scriptures that speaks against pride as a Process, the Bible also talked and showed us pride as a System. Any Successful and productive business man or believer that understand this version of pride will have a 90% of overcoming pride. What is Pride as a System? This is a spiritual system by which God tests those that are achievers, successful and those that has been filled in his Glory. This is why pride can never be in a poor man or an unsuccessful man because Pride was never meant to test or trial them. The idea of Pride as a System is to validate the fact that you are worthy, qualify for whatever the reward, level or upgrade you receive from God.

Now many persons has this in their teaching that PRIDE is from the devil that the devil created PRIDE! Is this true? Nah that a lie, the devil never created anything or invented anything! If he does then he is a God because the power of Creation is a characteristic of a God, that's why God made us, that's why me and you can Create things of our own, like we make Clothes, bags, shoes and lot of things; Yes you are a god too for the bible highlighted this in Psalm 82:6. So the devil can not make anything.
So if the devil didn't create pride who did? Then your answer is God? How and why? Now you must understand that pride was is a spiritual system to test or trial you of whatever achievement you have received either physically or Spiritually. The Devil was never proud until he was he engulf with the glory of the lord, that's made him the most beautiful thing God has ever made! Remember he visits the throne room daily and also the law of the spirit that says, "the more you tarry the more you carry" was active, so the more he goes to the father the more he taps from the Glory of the Father; thou the Father is the Unapproachable light that can not be approached yet the Angel Lucifer was an Approached Cherub that at of all the Angel's he was only given access to the father. So you can see he was not a stranger in the throne room of the Father but rather a son. So if we say that pride is from the devil, then who was the devil that afflicted Lucifer with Pride? Dont forget before he was devil he was first Lucifer the Most beautiful and mighty Cherub that Covereth and he was perfect.

But we aren't going there today! Now Pride as a System. For many of us that has engaged with the Power of God, you will agree with me that no matter how holy you where pride came first! Many of Us tend to cast it out while it ruin and took over some of us but the Fact is that it came!

But it never came to you where you haven't experienced the touch of The Father. Can I tell you something? A Poor man is not an Humble man because there is nothing he have to be proud of either is an Unsuccessful man an Humble man still because there is no Achievement he has or have acquired that will make he proud. Humble men are men with Achievement, greatness but still they are not proud. So if you understand this tonight that Pride must Come to you as long you are successful on earth then you will have the ability to defeat it because as Believers it is not by our Might neither is it by our understanding but by the Lords mercies. So whenever pride comes to give you glory, because you have understand this fact that it is a trial to test you and also because you have also be granded that All we have are products of the Fathers love for us (1Cor 2:9) then you can easily over it. Tell it that you did nothing thou you achieved or was successful, but rather that your Success Comes from the Hills (The Lord); then it will leave you. Pride is First a System before it becomes a Process... if you can defeat it System, then you wont be part of it Process.


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  1. Woah Pride as a System is really an eye opener!! Thanks sir for this.
