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[Article] "3 Ways to stay positive" by Omoregbe Joshua

Factors that helps your mind to stay positive: 

1. Trust in God (midst of Situations)

Ps.25.3 - No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Listen this is one powerful way to stay positive and active no matter the trial... for many of us, the devil has came with one scheme or the other to make you feel bad or sad! Most times to show that you are a failure!! But here comes the trust of the lord coming to defend your innocence; our opening scriptures says "Ps.25.3 - No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced...." This becomes our confidence in any tough situation for he said we shall not be embarrassed! One great reason we tend not to stand when we are been trial is because we lack trust for God. In the book of Job, Job said, "though he strike me yet I will still serve him" listen that speech was not powered by fear or the fear of the lord, no! In between those above words is found a very powerful spiritual word "TRUST". Thou he was dying and was losing all still he still held on to the lord. Listen is trust that makes you close your eyes and then fall to the back with your back trust your friend to catch you up, you will never play that game of you dont trust your partner can catch you when you start falling. This is the same reason why many persons can't survive been positive in any situation the devil throw at them! They clearly don't trust the lord enough to bring them out or if they do then they'd stop to worry and stay calm no matter where the storm of their life tends to drive at.

2. Rebuking the devil 

(James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.)

3. Beholding a better you. 

( 2Corithians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.) As a believer you must consider this factor and take it whole heartedly and very seriously,  in our previous meeting when we talk on the power of sight and listen this principle in the kingdom is very important as a believer. Our above scripture says in the conclusion "....behold, all things are become new." Your ability to see possibilities in ever negative hour or moment gives you the upper hand over the devil no matter what he brings to you. Here was Jesus in the house of his friend Lazarus been informed about his death but yet he still ask him to come forth! Listen Jesus was not just performing a miracle but he was teaching the us the Mystery of sight! The reason Lazarus was able to raise Lazarus from the death was not just because he Is the son of God but rather he had a sighting that Lazarus was not dead but sleeping and in accordance to the law of Nature any sleeping man must wake up. So what you tend to see is what becomes your reality. The power of inner sighting! Even God in Genesis 1:3 thought and saw light even before he said it. So no matter what the devil brings to you, have a positive sight! He may say you are a failure using the circumstances around your life as proof to validate his claim but remember " as a man thinketh so he is" you are yet to become it unless you first think it. Learn to see yourself flying. 

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