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[Article] "Mystery of the Five senses" Part one

Power of Sight

Matt.14.29 -30 "And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me."

The ability to see is one of the greatness ability of a man. You must understand that the presence of sight in the life of a man is the direction of his movements. The ability to see is very important either physically or spiritually, while what you see matters alot. Get this nothing can be created in the heart unless you first see either spiritually or physically. Most times the downfall of many Christian is caused as a result of the things they see. Hear what you see have a big role to play in the decisions of your mind and everything about you.

From our opening scriptures, Peter at first did not sink not until he saw the waves of the sea and fear entered him, immediately his faith die down till Jesus had to pull him out. Many at times the reason you always keep failing in that area of your life is because of the impossibility to win that you are gazing at and until you fix your gaze at winning failure is inevitable.

What your eyes sees either physically or spiritually matters. The only way the devil can only kill a Christian when the ability big the five sense organs are dead spiritually and the most powerful among them is the ability to see, the power to behold, all other sense organs function under the command of the power of sight! Because sight is believing and trust me that's what the devil strife to attack in your life. The reason most of us are still where we are today is as a result of the picture of a wrong future the devil has showed us. Get this, the spiritual agent that powers faith is not the word of God don't be decieved faith is God's word and the ability to have it is hearing but what powers it and make it acceptable is sight (believing).I can teach and preach all go about Jesus and the wonders he has done and you will be intrigued and surprised but you will only have a strong believe and faith on all the stories only if you see a demonstration of it. No wonder the bible says in John.4.48 - "Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye SEE signs and wonders, ye will not believe."

You must understand that believing only comes by seeing, it is rarely found for a man to not see and just believe, Jesus said such people are blessed. Power of sight.

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